Home ‣ 9th CSDA International Conference on Computational and Financial Econometrics (CFE 2015)
Statistical signal processing in asset management, session CS18.
S. Darolles, Chairman and organizer, Université Paris-Dauphine, Member of the QMI
R. Molinero, Organizer, Molinero Capital Management
- Using quantitative risk management as a trading tool in a commodities trading company, S. Boutaleb, Invivo Trading
- A speculative volume based covariance model for currency portfolios, G. Bagnarosa, ESC Rennes
- Serial correlation and time-varying liquidity in the hedge fund industry, A. Becam, Université Paris – Dauphine
- Active risk-based investing, E. Jurczenko, Ecole Hotelière de Lausanne, Member of QMI
Econometrics of dynamic portfolios and risk, C0540
J.-M. Zakoian, Chairman and organizer, CREST, Member of the QMI
- Real uncertainty and the zero lower bound, G. Rousselet, NYU Stern School of Business
- Filtered historical simulations for estimating the conditional risk of a dynamic portfolio, C. Francq, CREST and University Lille III
- Deep conditional portfolio sorts, B. Moritz, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
- On the empirical saddlepoint approximation with application to asset pricing, B. Holcblat – BI Norwegian Business School
- A speculative volume based covariance model for currency portfolios, G. Bagnarosa, ESC Rennes
- Serial correlation and time-varying liquidity in the hedge fund industry, A. Becam, Université Paris – Dauphine
- Active risk-based investing, E. Jurczenko, Ecole Hotelière de Lausanne, Member of QMI